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NBA LIVE 95 PC Direct Link


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Posted by: EA

Year: 1995

Language: English

Category: Basketball

Operating System: MS-DOS

Media: ISO

NBA Live ‘95 is the first game in the long line of NBA Live titles for both the home computer and home console systems. Over the years, NBA Live games have been released on the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sony Playstation, GameBoy, Nintendo 64, and GameBoy Color (there may be more that I can’t think of). Is the first ever PC version any good or is it just a load of crap that wastes a CD? You will find out in this review.


Man, are the graphics ugly or what? They are just plain horrible. On the players, you can resemble the jersey colors, their skin color, and the number on the jersey. That’s it, but it all looks bad. The crowd isn’t just a blob like some sports games, but it still looks bad. I can’t describe enough how ugly NBA Live 95’s graphics are.


NBA Live ‘95 has some pretty easy controls to learn. The arrow keys are used to move in their respective directions, the shift key is used to pass, and the enter key is used to shoot. I may have the pass & shoot keys switched around, because I do not remember for sure. On the menus, you can use your mouse to get your way through the options and stuff.

Now as for game modes and options, NBA Live ‘95 is decent enough. You can play an exhibition, season, or playoffs. You can make your games arcade, simulation, or custom. You can change the difficulty levels to rookie, starter, or all star. You can decide whether to have 3, 5, 8, or 12 minute quarters. You can change the rules to whatever you want. And finally, you can have a 26, 52, or 82 game season. It is a very customizable game, but not nearly as customizable as the latest versions. Overall, the gameplay is good for the first NBA Live

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NBA LIVE 95 PC Direct Link NBA LIVE 95 PC Direct Link Reviewed by vincent47 on Friday, December 02, 2016 Rating: 5

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